proggen: Automatic program generatorΒΆ

The Sculptor program generator

This program generates a Sculptor file maintenance program, using a specified data dictionary (.d extension) as the source for the screen layout or report print items. The user can select the fields to be included.

Programs created by the program generator include report logic and therefore have a .r extension. A program is generated instantaneously, and may subsequently be edited as required, by either of the following methods:


The Sculptor program designer. This may be used to amend the screen layout, window and window object properties, and to create temporary fields, record structures and functions.


A standard text editor.

Automatic program generation has many uses:


The generated program contains menu options for the major Sculptor keyed file access and update commands, including secondary indexes - a quick and convenient method of examining or updating the contents of a file with the full power of these commands.


The Report options provide the means to produce a printout of the contents of a file almost instantaneously.


The programs may be used as the basis for more complex programs, tailored to suit the application.


The programs may be referred to by novice programmers, as illustrations of the Sculptor language structure, function calls, event handling, report logic and other fundamentals of Sculptor code.

If the path of a data dictionary is sent as an argument to the program generator, it is displayed automatically when the program loads.

The program generator is written in Sculptor. The program is called proggen.q, and it is located in the $SCULPTOR\proggen directory.


Data dictionaries

Sculptor keyed files

Secondary indexes

File Manager

Data dictionary editor

Sculptor program designer