kfman: File ManagerΒΆ
The Sculptor File Manager
The Sculptor File Manager program is a Windows front end for the keyed file utilities kfcheck, kfri, newkf and reformat, which are used to create, check, repair and change the format of Sculptor keyed files. The output of these programs is displayed in a table, which can be printed or saved to a file. File Manager also acts as a front-end for the Sculptor utility kcopydir, a sophisticated directory copying tool.
The program also enables the moving, renaming, copying or deletion of a keyed file. The data dictionary editor ddeditor can be called to create a new data dictionary or to edit an existing one.
File Manager is written in Sculptor. The program is called kfman.q, and it is located in the $SCULPTOR\manager directory, along with the batch file kfman.bat.