ProgGen - the compiled programΒΆ

Program generator - the compiled program

The generated program is controlled by buttons, which appear on the right of the screen.

Selected fields, which must include all key fields, are displayed one to a line. The window size is calculated to accommodate the fields appearing on the main screen, subject to minimum and maximum window sizes set on the Configure screen, and a vertical scroll bar is created if necessary. Determining the screen width by reference to the the main window fields can result in tables in tab windows requiring horizontal scroll bars. If this is not desired, adjust the minimum window width on the Configure screen.

Fields with more than one element (array fields) are displayed in tab windows. Packed text fields are displayed in in free format textboxes. Other array fields are displayed in tables. Fields that were assigned the same tab number when the program was generated are grouped together in the same table, one field to a column. See Field dimensions.

If a textbox, including heading, is too wide to fit in the window, the box is truncated. The maximum window size is specified on the Configure screen.

If one or more secondary indexes were selected for use in the program, all available indexes are displayed in a listbox at the top right of the screen. The main index is selected by default. The Find, Next, Prev, Match, Report, List, Rewind and Wind options (described below) all operate on the currently selected index.

Records selected for display are not locked. If the user selects Amend or Delete, the record is re-read in update mode.

All file access or update commands issue meaningful information messages if a trappable condition occurs. See Traps.


Find a record by the current index.

If this is the main index, input is enabled into the key fields. If the main window has tabs containing subscripted data tables, the tabs are disabled until the option is terminated.

If this is not the main index, a window opens containing only the key fields of the selected index.

Press OK (or Return) when the correct find data has been entered.

Press Cancel (or ESC) to abandon the Find operation.

See find[u].

Next, Prev

Display the next or previous record in current index order. See next[u], prev[u].


Display the next record (in current index order) whose key values match the data that was entered in the last Find. This option is disabled until a Find is carried out, and is disabled again if the current index is changed. See match[u].


Two report types are available:


A columnar report on all records in the file. Only those fields that were selected for inclusion when the program was created (by checking them in the Rep column) are included. The currently selected index is used to drive the report.


A detailed report on the currently displayed record. Only available if a record has been selected. All fields are included. The handling of array fields is configurable; all elements can be printed, the first element only, or the first element and all subsequent elements that contain data. See Configuration.


Displays the records in the file in a table, one record per line. A new window is opened for this purpose. Only those fields that were selected for inclusion when the program was created (by checking them in the List column) are included.

The records are displayed in the order of the currently selected index. If a field is subscripted, the value in the first element is always displayed. If the current index is a secondary index that includes a different element in its key, this value is therefore not visible.

Click on a table row to select the record, and press OK. Or double-click the row. The list window closes and the selected record is displayed.

Press Cancel or ESC to close the window without selecting a record.


Insert a new record. The screen clears and focus is given to the first key field.

Press OK (or Return) to insert the record. The screen clears ready for the insertion of a new record. An attempt to insert a record with all null values generates a warning.

Press Cancel (or ESC) to finish inserting and terminate the option.

See insert.


Amend the selected record. Press Cancel to abandon amendments or OK to confirm. See write.


Delete the selected record. The user is prompted to confirm the deletion. See delete.


Rewinds the current index to the beginning, so that the Next option displays the first record in the index. If a record is currently displayed, it is cleared. See rewind.


Winds the current index to the end, so that the Prev option displays the last record in the index. If a record is currently displayed, it is cleared. See wind.


Terminates the program. See exit.


The program generator