ProgGen - Configure menu

Program generator - Configure

This option opens the program generator configuration window. Configuration for each user is stored in the directory $SCULPTOR\default\username.

The configurable items are:

Default directory for data dictionaries

The default startup directory for the File->Open option. Specification of a default directory is optional. If this field is blank, the first directory from which a data dictionary is selected is temporarily assigned as the default directory. The default is not saved for future sessions unless the Configure window is opened and the OK button pressed to save the current settings.

Default directory for data files

The default directory in which data is located. This is the directory used in the openfile command in the generated program. For example, for a file named “arrays”:

openfile FILE_ARRAYS name = "datadir/arrays" update

If blank, the default is the directory in which the data dictionary resides, unless a directory was specified in the command line by means of the -p option.

Default directory for generated programs

Specifies the default directory in which source code files (.r extension) and compiled programs (.q extension) are to be created. If blank, the default is the directory in which the data dictionary resides.

Maximum window width

The maximum width in pixels for the main screen of generated programs. This is set by default to 80% of the target screen width. It cannot be set to less than the minimum width or more than the target screen width.

The screen width of generated programs is determined by the fields that appear on the main screen. If a textbox and its heading cannot be fitted in the maximum width, the textbox is truncated to fit.

Maximum window height

The maximum width in pixels for the main screen of generated programs. This is set by default to 80% of the target screen height. It cannot be set to less than 420 or more than the target screen height.

The screen height of generated programs is determined by the number of fields that appear on the main screen. If the fields cannot be fitted within the maximum height, a vertical scroll bar is added.

Minimum window width

The minimum width in pixels for the main screen of generated programs. The valid range is 480 - Maximum window width. The screen width of generated programs is determined by the fields that appear on the main screen, subject to a minimum width which is defined by default as 480 pixels. This can result in the tables that contain subscripted field values, which appear in tab windows, being too wide for the window and requiring a horizontal scroll bar. This can be avoided by setting a higher minimum width. Enabling the full display of the tables can result in a somewhat empty main screen; the decision on which window should be given sizing priority may therefore vary from program to program.

Screen width

The width of the screen on which the program is to be run. Set by default to the current screen width. It cannot be less than the maximum window width.

Screen height

The height of the screen on which the program is to be run. Set by default to the current screen height. It cannot be less than the maximum window height.

Tab window titles

Defines how the titles of tab windows (the text that appears on the tab) are determined. Tab windows are used for the display, in table form, of subscripted fields.

Field name

The name of the field. If more than one field is included in the table the first fie ld is used, and the characters “…” appended to indicate that other fields exist.

Field heading

The field heading, defaulting to the field name if the heading is blank. If more than one field is included in the table the first field is used, and the characters “…” appended to indicate that other fields exist.

Table number

Table 1, Table 2 etc.


If this box is unchecked textbox and other informative captions are not displayed in generated programs, and the main window is created without a caption bar. Note however that if Help text has been assigned to a field in the data dictionary, the user can always generate a caption by pressing F1 when a textbox containing the field has focus. If this happens, a caption bar is created.


If this box is unchecked textbox and button tooltips are not displayed in generated programs.

Remove excluded fields automatically

If this box is checked, when a field is excluded from the generated program it is immediately removed from the main table display. If it is unchecked, fields are not removed unless the Edit->Remove excluded fields option is selected. Fields that are initially excluded because of their name are an exception. They remain in the initial field display. The Show table of excluded fields option is available to view removed fields and, if desired, restore them.

Printing arrays in single-record report

Determines the way array fields are handled when the selected record is printed in the compiled program. Options are:

Print all elements

Every element of array fields is printed. This is the most comprehensive method, but should probably be avoided for files with large arrays or arrays in which most elements are blank.

Print first element only

Only the first element of array fields is printed.

Print first element and other non-null elements

The first element is always printed, but subsequent elements are only printed if they contain a value.

When an array field is printed, the heading always indicates the element, e.g. Address [4].

Printing arrays in all record report

Determines the way array fields are handled when a report on all records is printed. Options are:

Print all elements

Every element of array fields is printed. If this option is selected, the number of rows required to print each record will be equal to the highest number of elements found amongst the fields selected for inclusion.

Print first element only

Only the first element of array fields is printed. Each record therefore always occupies one line of the report.

Print elements to a maximum of…

This option allows the maximum number of elements to be printed to be specified in the accompanying textbox.

The buttons on the configuration window have the following effects:

Reset size defaults

Sets the minimum window width to 420, the screen height and width to the current screen sizes, and the maximum window width and height to 80% of the current screen size.


Close the window, cancelling any changes that have been made since it was opened.


Save the current configuration and close the window.


The program generator