OLE control property clauses

Either an ole_id or a link_id must be specified (but not both).

Clauses not specifically documented for OLE (e.g. caption) are standard Sculptor clauses and have the same meaning as when used with other control types. They initialise the corresponding property for the OLE control, if it supports that property.

ole_id = “name
link_id = “name
Program reference.

See OLE control program reference or link

label_font = “text

Ambient font.

width = integer
height = integer

See OLE control size.

palette = integer
pen = integer

Palette and pen.

style = flags

Style flags.

bgc = rgb_value
fgc = rgb_value

Background colour and foreground (text) colour.

caption = “text
caption_pen = integer
Text for help caption.
Pen for display of help caption.

See Captions.

event = func_id
event_enable = flags
Event function.
Enabled events.

See OLE control events and functions; The event_enable clause.

property_file = “filename

File containing initial property values.

license = “text

License string.

Run time only

[window_id.]ole_ctrl_id->xcreate = int_expression
[window_id.]ole_ctrl_id->ycreate = int_expression

Co-ordinates at which the control is created. See Position (initial).

[window_id.]ole_ctrl_id->tab_order = int_expression

Position in the parent window’s tab sequence. See Tab order.

Run time read-only


Operating system handle.

[window_id.]ole_ctrl_id->xorig =
[window_id.]ole_ctrl_id->yorig =

The original creation co-ordinates of the OLE control. See Position (initial).

[window_id.]ole_ctrl_id->xposn =
[window_id.]ole_ctrl_id->yposn =

Current co-ordinates. See Position (current).


OLE controls

Property clauses