Graphic property clauses

The following clauses may be used in the definition of a graphic. The type must be specified, as must the width of a rectangle or horizontal line, the height of a rectangle or vertical line, and the image of a graphic image.

type = type_code

Graphic type.

title = “text
label_bgc = rgb_value
label_fgc = rgb_value
The title (rectangles only).
Background colour of the title.
Foreground colour of the title.

See Graphic title.

transparent = rgb_value

Transparent colour.

height = integer
width = integer

Height and width of the graphic. See Graphic size.

image = “text

Bitmap, jpeg or animation image.

pen = integer

Pen for line graphics.

tooltip = “text

Text for tooltip.

style = flags

Style flags.

event = func_id
event_enable = flags
Event function.
Enabled events.

See Graphic events and functions; The event _enable clause.

Run time only

[window_id.]graphic_id->xcreate = int_expression
[window_id.]graphic_id->ycreate = int_expression

Co-ordinates at which the graphic is created. See Position (initial).

[window_id.]graphic_id->tab_order = int_expression

Position in the parent window’s tab sequence. See Tab order

[window_id.]graphic_id->picture = ole_ref

OLE picture object reference. Image graphics only. See Picture.

Run time read-only


Operating system handle. Images, progress bars and animations only.

[window_id.]graphic_id->xorig =
[window_id.]graphic_id->yorig =

The original creation co-ordinates of the graphic. See Position (initial).

[window_id.]graphic_id->xposn =
[window_id.]graphic_id->yposn =

Current co-ordinates. See Position (current).



Property clauses