Graphic typeΒΆ

type = type_code

The graphic type must always be specified. The available types are:


image0A horizontal line, vertical line or rectangle. The size is specified in the height and width clauses, and the graphic drawn onto the window background.


An external animation (.avi extension). The image = clause is used to specify the name of the animation file. See Animated graphics.


image1An external bitmap, TIFF or jpeg image (.bmp, .tif, .tiff, .jpg or .jpeg extension). The image = clause is used to specify the name of the image file. The transparent = clause can be used to set a colour that to be made transparent, allowing the window background to show through. In this example, white has been defined as the transparent colour for the penguin on the right.

An image type graphic can generate the EV_SELECT event when the user clicks on the graphic. However, a useful alternative to graphic images is the image button. Buttons can receive a much wider range of events, including gaining and losing focus, and a right click by the user. See Buttons, Button image.

An OLE picture object can be assigned to an image graphic by means of the picture = clause.


Progress bar.

