Creating a new configurable text file

Creating a new configurable text file

User text files may be freely created. To do this, copy the file empty.eng to the name required for the new file, e.g.

copy empty.eng newtext.eng

Then load the file “newtext.eng” into the text editor.

Alternatively, load the file “empty.eng into the text editor and save it immediately under another name using the Save As option (not Save, which would overwrite “empty.eng”).

The file originally consists of one single-line text item, with the maximum text length set to 10. The “>” character on the first line indicates the point before which the text should be entered. Change Number of Text Lines to the number of lines required for this item, and Text Length to the maximum number of characters permitted on each line. Then insert the text for each line before the “>” character. See Editing an item.

Use the Add option on the File menu to add new items as required.

When the file has been completed and saved, it can be modified (e.g. translated into another language) and saved with a different extension. Edit the text and then use the Save As option, changing the extension

The new file may, if preferred, be exported to an ASCII text file and the items created by means of a standard text editor. The lines must adhere to a specific format. The data can then be imported from the ASCII file into a language file. See the Transfer options menu.


The sctextw program