The Transfer menu (sctextw)

The Transfer menu (sctextw)

Export (SHIFT-F9)

This option exports the currently loaded file into an ASCII text file, which may subsequently be edited using any standard line editor. The ASCII file need not be located in $SCULPTOR/text. The default directory for text file export and import is the directory which was current when sctextw was loaded.

A window entitled Full Pathname of Export Text file opens. The default name is the language file name with the extension .txt. If the file already exists, the user is warned and given the opportunity to cancel the operation.

The format of the ASCII file is as follows:

For each item, a header information line containing three numbers. Then each line of the item is printed. Thus, for example, an item with three lines would occupy four lines in the ASCII file.

The example below shows the first six items from the language file common.eng:

001 002 001

002 050 001
Press RETURN to continue:

003 050 001
Cannot open file %s

004 050 001
Cannot create file %s

005 050 001
Cannot delete file %s

006 050 001
Cannot rename file %s

The header line for each item is made up of three three-digit numbers, as follows:

First number

The item’s sequential reference number (1-999). Items must be in numerical sequence, with no item number omitted.

Second number

The maximum text width permitted in characters (0-255).

Third number

The number of lines of text the item contains (0-255).

All lines between a header line and the next header line are the actual item text.

%s indicates a point at which the program will substitute a text string at runtime.

%d indicates a point at which the program will substitute a numerical string at runtime.

The last line of the last text item must be followed by the end of file character.

If the file does not conform to all the rules above, it will rejected by the Import option, with the incorrect item identified.


This option imports an ASCII file to create a language configurable text file.

A file must be already loaded before the option may be called. Importing an ASCII file overwrites all data already existing in the language file. A warning is issued, asking the user to confirm that this is the intention.

A window called Full Pathname of Import Text File is opened for the user to select the file to be imported. The default file name is the name of the currently loaded language file, but with the extension .txt.

The file to be imported must be correctly formatted - see the Export option for details of the format required. If an error is found, a message is issued, and the operation is abandoned, with the currently loaded file unchanged.


The sctextw program