Window property clauses

All window clauses are optional.

style = flags

Style flags.

data_font = “text
label_font = “text
caption_font = “text
title_font = “text
Default font for data.
Default font for labels.
Font for window captions.
Default font for window control titles.

See Fonts.

bgc = rgb_value
fgc = rgb_value
data_bgc = rgb_value
data_fgc = rgb_value
label_bgc = rgb_value
label_fgc = rgb_value
caption_bgc = rgb_value
caption_fgc = rgb_value
transparent = rgb_value
Background colour and default for OLE controls.
Foreground colour and default for OLE controls.
Default background colour for data.
Default foreground colour for data.
Default background colour for labels.
Default foreground colour for labels.
Default background colour for window captions.
Default foreground colour for window captions.
Default transparent colour.

See Window colours.

max_width = integer
max_height = integer
min_width = integer
min_height = integer
view_width = integer
view_height = integer
Maximum width.
Maximum height.
Minimum width.
Minimum height.
Initial viewing width.
Initial viewing height.

See Window size.

title = “text”

Window title.

icon = “text”

Icon file name.

palette = integer

Window palette.

event = func_id
event_enable = flags
Event function.
Enabled events.

See Window events and functions; The event _enable clause.

parent = window_id

Parent window.

winclass = “text”

Class name.

Window object definitions

+|–textbox box_id at x, y

Declare a textbox.

+|–button button_id at x, y

Declare a button.

+|–listbox listbox_id at x, y

Declare a listbox.

+|–table table_id at x, y

Declare a table.

+|–text text_id at x, y

Declare a static text item.

+|–graphic graphic_id at x, y

Declare a graphic.

+|–ole ole_ctrl_id at x, y

Declare an OLE control.

+|–database database_id

Declare an ODBC database.

menu menu_id

Declare a menu.

Run time only

window_id->xcreate = int_expression
window_id->ycreate = int_expression

Co-ordinates at which the window is created. See Position (initial).

window_id->hscroll_posn = int_expression
window_id->vscroll_posn = int_expression

Position of horizontal scroll bar. Position of vertical scroll bar.

See Window scroll bars.

Run time read-only

window_id->state &

Current state.


Operating system handle.

window_id->xorig =
window_id->yorig =

The original creation co-ordinates of the window. See Position (initial).

window_id->xposn =
window_id->yposn =

Current co-ordinates. See Position (current).



Property clauses