A table is a window control which displays data in columns and allows selection of single or multiple lines. The mode flag EM_MULTIPLE is used to define a multiple-selection table. The source of the data may be an array field, a file, a temporary record structure, or may be assigned by a function call. Sculptor maintains the display automatically. Cells in a table can be defined as read-only, or can be edited using a textbox or listbox.
The dialog command enables user interaction with tables.
A table is defined as
+|–table table_id at x, y {
- Table property clauses
- Table style
- Retrieving table state
- Table edit mode
- Table column headings
- Table data
- Table title
- Table caption
- Table tooltip
- Table source object
- Table display object
- Table topline clause
- Table maximum lines
- Table size
- Table events and functions
- Listbox and table functions
- Editing table values at run time
- Tables - activating and selecting items
- Table cell properties
- Table palette
- Table line colour
- Table colour clauses