spd - Projects

A project is a program or related set of programs, including common files, and sharing the same source and executable directories.

Different settings can be configured for each project, including directories, compilation and execution scripts, application workspace size, templates for buttons and textboxes, and the size and position of the component windows that make up the program designer screen.

Programs not assigned to a project are deemed to belong to the default project. Such programs are unconnected except for their common use of the default project settings, which are configurable in exactly the same way as any other project settings. The default project is created automatically, using built-in defaults for all configurable values. These may be edited using the Options menu, thereby setting the user’s own preferred default configuration. These settings will then be used whenever a project is created using the New Project menu option. Note that with the exception of Positioning, all options on the Options menu are applied to the currently selected project only.

A project’s settings are always stored in a directory that bears the same name as the project. The default project settings are stored in the directory $SCULPTOR/default/logname/projects/default, where logname is the contents of the environment variable LOGNAME. If there is no LOGNAME variable defined, then the directory used is $SCULPTOR/default, and the settings are the default for all users who do not have a LOGNAME defined.

Other project settings are stored by default in the directory $SCULPTOR/default/logname/projects, each in a directory with the same name as the project. A different parent directory may, however, be specified for any project. Note that the project directory contains settings only; it will not normally contain any other files related to the project.


The Sculptor program designer

Project settings