Debug program command line syntaxΒΆ


scdebug progname.g

scdebug progname.q

Executes scdebug.exe, which loads the program scdebug.q.

The progname is the name of the compiled code of the program which is to be debugged. The default extension is .g. Compiled code is created by executing the compiler scc on a source code file. A program that is to be debugged must have been compiled with the -d option, which adds debug information to the compiled program:

scc -d progname [.f]

scc -d progname [.r]

scdebug will not operate with a program that was compiled without the -d option.

scdebug calls the appropriate debug run time interpreter (sagewcd | srepwcd) to run the program, and controls the program execution. These interpreters are versions of sagewc and srepwc with added debug facility. The program should not be run directly with sagewcd | srepwcd. If this is done by mistake, use the Windows Task Manager to end all sagewcd | srepwcd processes. If this is not done, the next debug session may not work correctly.

If the source code does not display correctly in scdebug, use the Sculptor cvteol program to convert it to a Windows standard text file:

cvteol sourcefile

The following table summarises the extensions used for screen form programs and for report programs, and the Sculptor programs used to execute and debug them:

Source file


Object code file


Debug interpreter

Screen form program


scc progname.f


sagewc progname


Report program


scc progname.r


srepwc progname


A screen form program may not contain !report sections. A report program may contain any type of code. There is, therefore, no advantage to the use of the .f extension, and it is not recommended.


  • Only one program can be debugged at a time.

  • scdebug.q cannot be run properly using a standard Sculptor interpreter.

  • It is not currently possible to open a compiled program for debugging using the Windows Open with feature.


The Sculptor debug program

Compiling a Sculptor program (scc)

Running a Sculptor screen form program (sagewc)

Running a Sculptor report program (srepwc)
