sagew: Running a Sculptor screen form program


sagewc progname [arguments]…

When a screen form program has been successfully compiled with the compiler scc, the run time interpreter sagewc is used to run the program. A screen form program is one that contains no report logic.


The name of the compiled program. The compiled form of the source code bears the same name (progname) as the source file, but has a .g extension rather than a .f extension. Inclusion of the .g extension in the command line is optional.


Command line arguments may be sent to a screen form program, as in this example:

sagewc stkcheck 1001 TEST

The arguments may be accessed within the program by means of the subscripted Sculptor system variable sys.Arg. In the example above,

sys.Arg[1] is “sagewc”,
sys.Arg[2] is “stkcheck”,
sys.Arg[3] is “1001” and
sys.Arg[4] is “TEST”.

Note that the space character denotes the end of an argument. In order to send an argument which contains a space, enclose it in double quotes.

It is recommended that only a few simple arguments are passed on the command line, as some operating systems permit only a short command line. Storing information in a file is a better way to pass it between two Sculptor programs.


If the program contains report sections (defined with !report) it has a .q extension and the report program interpreter srepwc is used to run it.

Other versions of sagewc

The following additional versions of sagewc are available:


Used to help debug programs which have been compiled with the -d option. sagewcd is executed automatically by the Sculptor debug program scdebug, which allows source code to be viewed as the program runs. Other features include single stepping of commands, breakpoints, and examination of variable values and of the function stack. sagewcd is intended for automatic use by scdebug only, and should not be used to run programs directly.

The $SCULPTOR/app directory

The directory $SCULPTOR/app may be used to store compiled programs. If the progname begins with a colon (:) the program is loaded from $SCULPTOR/app.


sagewc :updctrl

Loading a program from a remote server

The run time interpreter sagewc can load a program from a remote server which is running one of the Sculptor server programs kfserver and kfservnt. The full path to the object code file (.g extension) should be specified. See Running Sculptor programs on a server.


sagewc myserver:/usr/myapp/myprogram


  • The run time interpreters sagew and sagewd should be treated as obsolescent.


Compiling a Sculptor program

Running a Sculptor report program

The Sculptor program suite

Sculptor filename conventions