Creating a new keyed fileΒΆ
Apart from the data dictionary, two other physical files must be created for each keyed file in a system: the index file and the data file. They are created by the Sculptor program newkf.
If a file has secondary indexes, then newkf creates a new directory and places the secondary indexes there. The directory bears the same name as the data dictionary file, but with a .x extension instead of .d. The directory is created as a subdirectory of the directory which contains the data dictionary.
If changes are made to the record layout of an existing file, these must be reflected in the index and data files. However, using the newkf program destroys any existing data. Use the reformat program to modify existing records to match an amended data dictionary, or the kfri program to add new indexes.
The Sculptor File Manager is the Windows front end for all these keyed file utility programs.