Window objects and controls

Window controls

Window controls are items such as textboxes and buttons which are assigned to a specific window. They are implemented as child windows. Window controls must be wholly contained within their parent window. Unless the control is static, the user can interact with it. Each control is defined as a clause in the window definition, and has itself a set of clauses available to define its appearance and behaviour.

The controls available are:


Buttons are simple window controls which are always in one of two basic states: selected or not selected. There are three types of button available: simple push buttons, radio buttons and checkbox buttons. Radio and checkbox buttons always form a group; push buttons may be grouped or ungrouped.


A listbox allows the user to make selections from a scrollable list of values. It may take the form of a scrollable window, or of a button or textbox which shows the current selection, and which can be opened up to a listbox.


A menu bar of the pull-down style, which is positioned horizontally at the top of the window. Each top-level window may have a menu of its own.


A non-Sculptor database, such as Oracle. ODBC enables Sculptor to use any such database for which a suitable ODBC driver is available.


An independent object that is inserted into a Sculptor program and manipulated from within that program using its own properties, methods, verbs and events.


A text string. The user can only interact with this type of control by pressing a hotkey character in the text, if one has been defined.


A table displays data dynamically in columnar form, and allows single or multiple lines to be selected. The source of the data may be a field, a Sculptor keyed file, a temporary record layout or a function.


Textboxes are linked to data fields and are used for the display and input of data. They may be assigned to textbox groups.

Other window objects

Window objects which are not controls are drawn onto the window background and therefore always lie beneath controls which overlap them. If an object is required to overlap a control, it must be placed in its own child window. The user cannot interact with these objects. In other respects they resemble controls; they are defined as a clause of their parent window, and have their own set of clauses to define their appearance and behaviour.

The objects currently available are:


This can be a horizontal line, vertical line or rectangle of a size defined by the user, an animation, progress bar, or bitmap or jpeg image,

Refer to the individual section on each object for full documentation and a list of the clauses which may accompany the object.



Defining a window object

Commands used with window objects and controls

