spd - Resizing items

To resize an object, click on its edge so that a double arrow cursor appears, and drag until the object is the required size. Dragging the top or left edge also causes the object to be moved to a new position. Clicking and dragging on a corner resizes in two directions simultaneously.

The size of an object may also be changed by editing properties such as height, width or number of rows. Note that changes to font size may also affect an object’s size.

Resizing with the mouse is disabled if multiple items are selected.


Unless a viewing height has been specified, resizing a window’s height causes its maximum width value to be updated to the new height. In this case, the viewing height is implied to be the same value as the maximum height. If a viewing height has been specified, however, then this is the value which is updated when the window is resized.

If the viewing height is changed by the user, either by resizing the window or by editing the window’s properties, and the new value is greater than the maximum height or less than the minimum, a prompt window is opened so that the user can resolve the conflict by choosing to modify the minimum/maximum height to that of the viewing height, or vice versa. Note that if no minimum height has been specified it defaults to the maximum height.

Amendments to width are treated in exactly the same way. The width and height operate independently of each other. However, if a single resize operation produces illegal viewing values for both height and width, a single prompt is issued and the results are applied to both dimensions.

If a tab control window is to be resized, it may be necessary to close the child windows first.


Push buttons may be resized vertically or horizontally. The label is always centred vertically, and is by default centred horizontally. This may be changed by the use of style flags.

A multi button may be resized, but the only possible effect is to change its position. A multi button is always positioned centrally within its height.

See Button size.


A graphic may only be resized by clicking on its corners; clicking on an edge moves the graphic without resizing it.

A graphic which is a horizontal or vertical line may only be resized to vary the length of the line - not to convert to a rectangle. To do this, change the graphic type to GT_RECTANGLE. Similarly, to change a rectangle to a line, edit it and change the type to GT_HLINE or GT_VLINE.

The height of a progress bar need only be provided if a non-standard size is required.

See Graphic type, Graphic size.


Vertical resizing of a listbox results in a change in the number of visible items that can be displayed in the listbox. This is defined in the listbox’s rows = clause. See Listbox size.

Static text

Static text can be resized vertically or horizontally. If the label is too wide to fit on one row, it will flow onto subsequent rows. See Static text size.


Vertical resizing of a listbox results in a change in the number of visible items that can be displayed in the listbox. This is defined in the table’s rows = clause. A vertical scroll bar is added if required at run time. If the width of the table display items exceeds the table width, a horizontal scroll bar is automatically created. See Table size.


Vertical resizing of a textbox results in a change in the number or rows. This is defined in the textbox’s rows = clause. When a textbox is assigned more than one row, it becomes a multi-row textbox. This type of textbox is particularly suitable for linkage to subscripted fields.

Note that a single-row textbox actually has a rows value of 0. Assigning a value of 1 has no effect other than to move the textbox label from the left of the box to the top. A textbox can only be resized to 1 row by entering the value in the property sheet or editing the source code.

See Textbox size and number of elements.


The Sculptor program designer