spd - Select menu

Displayed Windows


Select the windows to be displayed. If a program contains more than one window, this option is called automatically when a new source program is loaded.

Sculptor programs frequently contain many more windows than can sensibly be edited at the same time. Use this option to manage the display. The window selection may be changed at any time.

The Choose Windows dialog appears, listing all the windows defined in the source file. Windows which are currently selected for display are highlighted. Click on a window to select it, deselecting all others. CTRL-click on a window to select it without deselecting others. SHIFT-click on a window to select it and all other windows between it and the last selected window.

If a selected window has a parent window, the parent is displayed automatically.

The selected windows can be hidden and redisplayed by means of the Show Windows option.


Accelerator key: CTRL-O

Draw a rectangle, lassoing two or more windows or items into a multiply-selected group. This is a toggle-type option that switches itself off automatically when a lasso operation has been successfully completed.

Firstly switch the option on by selecting it, which causes it to be ticked. Then, by click and drag, draw a rectangle enclosing the windows or window objects required in the selection. The rectangle can be drawn in any direction.

The item types that can be part of a multiple selection are: windows, buttons, textboxes, OLE controls, listboxes, tables, graphics and static text. Top-level windows can be selected only with other top-level windows.

All selected items must have a common parent window, and for the lasso operation to be valid the lasso rectangle must not extend beyond this window. An item is only included in the selection if it falls entirely within the lasso rectangle. Table titles, textbox labels and listbox labels do not count as part of the item for this purpose. Checkbox and radio button labels do count as part of the item. Note that if such buttons have a width assigned that extends beyond the label text, and use the same background colour as the window, the actual extent of the button is not visually apparent.

If the lasso operation fails to select anything, the previous selection remains unchanged and the lasso option remains active. To deactivate it, toggle the option off again. If the lasso operation is successful, the last item in the group is selected as the primary item, the other items are selected as secondary items, and the lasso option is deactivated.

See Multiple item selection for further details of working with multiple selections.

Other options

The remaining options on this menu are for selecting an object of a specific type. If only one object of this type exists, it is selected automatically. Otherwise a list opens for the user to select the object.


Any window can be selected. If it is not amongst the windows currently selected for display (by the Select->Displayed Windows option) it is added to the selection.

Window object

If the object’s parent window is not currently displayed, it is added to the displayed windows selection and brought to the foreground.

Other object

The window display remains unchanged.


The Sculptor program designer