!screen - set the screen size (character windows)ΒΆ


Set the screen size


!screen width = integer height = integer

Set the screen size in columns and rows. This declaration is optional. The defaults are those defined for Screen Size 1 in the terminal parameter file.

The Standard Control Sequences section of the terminal parameter file can be used to store different screen sizes. If the !screen declaration is present, the most suitable screen size is selected from those defined. This is done when the program loads. The size selected is the smallest size that is large enough to accommodate both the width and height specified. If none of the sizes defined is large enough, the largest is used.


  • The precise size of a window is defined by its max_width and max_height clauses.

  • Both the width and height clauses must be present.

  • The Sculptor system variables sys.ScreenHeight and sys.ScreenWidth contain the current screen size in rows and columns.


!screen width = 132 height = 16


Character windows

Defining a window

Window size clauses

sys.ScreenHeight, sys.ScreenWidth

Terminal parameter files
