Specifying a server in a pathname

A server may be specified in a pathname in either of two ways.


“server: ….”


“//server: …” . This syntax must be used if the server name is a single character; otherwise, Sculptor assumes the name is a drive letter on the local machine. This syntax cannot be used in versions of Sculptor prior to 4.2.

The colon at the end of the server name tells Sculptor to use kfserver | kfservnt on the specified server.

The text following the colon is passed to kfserver | kfservnt as the required path on the remote machine. Under Windows, this should be a drive letter and a full pathname; under UNIX, a full pathname. Otherwise, the path is relative to kfserver | kfservnt’s current working directory, which cannot be relied upon.

Under Windows, either the slash character “/” or the backslash character “\” can be used in the pathname. However, all backslash characters in a quoted string must be doubled, since the backslash is the default escape character. See Example 2 below.

Under Windows, if the colon is omitted from the pathname then the file is opened by Windows, not by kfserver. This is valid for program names and for text files, but is not safe for Sculptor keyed files. See Example 3 below.


1   "//server:c:/myapp/data/myprogram"
2   "\\\\server:c:\\myapp\\data\\myprogram"
3   "//server/d/myapp/data/myprogram"

Referencing environment variables

To reference an environment variable in a remote server, use the characters “$$” instead of “$”. In a remote pathname, the characters “$$” are passed to the server as “$”.


!ofile Codes "myserver:$$SCULPTOR/data/codes"



Running Sculptor programs on a server

Environment variables