Moving to a specified tab stop


Move to a specified tab stop



Print the number of spaces required to move the current print column to the specified tab position. The first print column counts as 0. This command is ignored if the current print column is already at or beyond the required value.

The integer may be any expression which evaluates to an integer value.

If a proportional font is in use, the tab function can be used to align data in columns. The tab value positions the next character at a fixed distance from the left margin (the tab value multiplied by the width of the ‘0’ character).

This function is meaningless outside a print[h] command.


print ST.code; tab(35); ST.category; tab(60); ST.level

print "Keys: ";tab(10);  NumKeys::"s";
print tab(15);"Key length: "; tab(32); KeyLen::"s"
print "Fields:"; tab(10);  NumFields::"s";
print tab(15);"Record length: ";tab(32); RecLen::"s"

setfont(sys.FontName, sys.FontSize, FONT_UNDERLINE)
print tab(TSPos); "T/S"; tab(FormatPos); "Format"; tab(HeadingPos); "Heading"
setfont(sys.FontName, sys.FontSize, FONT_NORMAL)

print tab(32); fit(FormatStr, 14);



Report functions


Using proportional fonts