Textbox groups

Textboxes may be combined into groups, allowing relevant commands to be executed for the entire group. All textboxes in a group must appear in the same window, and no textbox may be part of more than one group.

Textboxes which belong to groups can nonetheless be treated individually. Any command which may be executed for a textbox group may also be executed for an individual box or boxes within it.

Textbox groups and textboxes are declared as clauses in the +|–window declaration for the window in which they appear. See Defining a window object.

The grouping of textboxes enables commands such as clear, hide, create, destroy, disable, display, enable, input and show to be executed on a group of associated boxes, and enables a common style and palette to be assigned to the group.

Textboxes which belong to groups can nonetheless be treated individually. Any command which may be executed for a textbox group may also be executed for an individual textbox or boxes within it, and a different palette and or style may be assigned to individual boxes.

The first_control() and next_object() functions can be used to step through all the controls in a group.


textbox group DataFields {
     style = WS_NOTABSTOP

     +textbox StknumBox at 374, 35 {
          field = TMP_Stock.Stknum
          label = "Stock Number "
          width = 72
          format = "########0.000"

     +textbox TitleBox at 374, 55 {
          field = TMP_Stock.Title
          label = "Title "
          width = 192

     +textbox Author_nameBox at 374, 95 {
          field = TMP_Stock.Author_name
          label = "Author "
          width = 102



Textbox group property clauses