Textbox data

data_font = “text”

Font for data displayed in the box. In order to ensure that numeric data lines up correctly, it is advisable to use a fixed font for textboxes containing numeric data, even if a proportional font is used for labels and for alphanumeric textboxes. See Fonts.

Default: The window font.


+textbox NumberBox at 15,4 {
     field = pr.number
     data_fgc = RGB_ROYALBLUE
     data_bgc = RGB_LIGHTSLATEGRAY
     data_font = "helvetica,b@12"
data_bgc = rgb_value
data_fgc = rgb_value

Background and foreground colours for the textbox data. See Colours.

Default: For a textbox group or ungrouped textbox, the defaults are the parent window’s data colour values. For a grouped textbox, the defaults are the group data colours.

data_pen = integer

Specifies a pen to be used for display of the linked field in the textbox, overriding the default pen. See Pens. From Sculptor 5 onwards, with the introduction of Colour clauses, it is recommended that the data_bgc and data_fgc clauses are used in preference to data_pen.

Default: In a Sculptor palette, PEN_TEXTBOX_DATA (27).

