Files and directories created by the debug program

The debug program creates a directory in $SCULPTOR/debug called progname_f or progname_r, according to the program file suffix. This directory is used to store settings and breakpoints, which are by default saved when the program exits. If the directory is deleted and the program subsequently loaded into scdebug again, the default settings will be restored and any saved breakpoints lost.

The debug program also creates a temporary index-only Sculptor file for every source file in the program - i.e. for the main program file and for every !include file it contains - to store information about that source file. Each temporary file is located in the same directory as the corresponding source file, and is deleted when scdebug is closed.

Each temporary file is named _dbg_sourcefile.k.



Include statement

File type

Temporary file


Main program



!include <sculptor.h>

Standard Sculptor include file



!include “../common/Prompt.i”

Other include file



The Sculptor debug program