DDEditor - Configure menu

Data dictionary editor - Configure

This option opens the Data dictionary editor configuration window. Configuration for each user is stored in the directory $SCULPTOR\default\username.

The configurable items are:

Default directory

The default startup directory for the File->Open option. Specification of a default directory is optional. If this field is blank, the first directory from which a data dictionary is selected is temporarily assigned as the default directory. The default is not saved for future sessions unless the Configure window is opened and the OK button pressed to save the current settings.

Default field type

The field type to be assigned as the default when a new field is created, either by the Insert field option or by entering a field name at the end of the existing fields.

Default field sizes

The default field size to be associated with those field types for which more than one size is valid (currently Alpha, Integer and Number). When a new field is created, this determines the field size that is assigned as the default. Also, if the type of an existing field is changed so that the size is no longer valid, it is changed to the default size for the new type.

Assign date format automatically

If this box is checked, fields that contain “date” in either the field name or field heading are automatically assigned the type, size and logical type of a date field.

Include null secondary index keys

Default setting for secondary indexes. Records which have completely null values in the secondary index key (i.e. alphanumeric fields are blank, and numeric fields contain zero) can be excluded from a secondary index. Check this box if the default behaviour is to include such fields. The default can be overridden for any index.

Open and close secondary indexes…

Default setting for secondary indexes. Indexes can be opened and closed along with the main index, or only opened when needed and closed immediately afterwards. Check this box if the default behaviour is to open and close with the main index. The default can be overridden for any index.

Display last file opened …

If this box is checked, the last file opened or created by the editor is displayed automatically when the program loads. Note however that if a file name is sent as an argument, that file takes precedence.

The buttons on the configuration window have the following effects:


Close the window, cancelling any changes that have been made since it was opened.


Save the current configuration and close the window.


Data dictionary editor