Character windows - pre-defined standard windows


The desktop uses palette 10 in the terminal parameter file. This determines the screen background colour.


This window is used to display error messages, which may be automatically generated by untrapped error conditions, or explicitly programmed by means of the error command. By default it uses palette 23 (PAL_ERROR_WINDOW) and text is displayed with pen 33 (PEN_ERROR).

It may redeclared, using the structure:

+|-window winerror at column, row {clauses}

It may also be modified at run time:

winerror ->property = value

Minimum and maximum sizes may be declared for the error window. The actual viewing size is computed at run time and falls within these limits.


This window is used to display messages created by the info command. By default it uses palette 22 (PAL_INFO_WINDOW) and text is displayed with pen 22 (PEN_NORMAL).

It may redeclared, using the structure:

+|-window wininfo at column, row {clauses}

It may also be modified at run time:

wininfo ->property = value

Minimum and maximum sizes may be declared for the info window. The actual viewing size is computed at run time and falls within these limits.


This window is used to display the option line of ringmenus. By default it uses the task window’s palette. The winopt window closes while an option is being processed and reopens as soon as control returns to the option menu.


PAL_WINDOW is the default task window palette.


Character windows


Pre-defined standard windows