Setting brush type for filling figures (SetBrushType)ΒΆ


Set brush type for filling figures


SetBrushType(window_id, brush_type, [filename])

Set the brush type for filling subsequent figures. The brush remains set until the EndPaint function is called.

The brush types are pre-defined and are listed under Brush styles in $SCULPTOR/include/draw.h.

If brush type DB_BITMAP is specified, a filename must be included in the function call. This should be a string expression containing the pathname of a bitmap image (.bmp extension). Other file types cannot be used as a brush.

The default brush is DB_NULL (no fill).


  • If the Sculptor system variable sys.DrawTextMode is assigned the value TRANSPARENT, figures are not filled by the brush set by SetBrushColor(), but retain the current background.

  • The variable sys.DrawGraphicMode can be assigned a number of different values causing a graphic to be combined with the current background and the current brush type in a variety of ways.


SetBrushType(wintask, DB_DIAGCROSS)
SetBrushType(Win4, DB_BITMAP, "/images/logo.bmp")


Drawing operations
