Drawing a bitmap, TIFF or jpeg image


Draw a bitmap or jpeg image


DrawImage(window_id, xpos, ypos, width, height, pathname)

Position a bitmap, TIFF or jpeg image at a specified location.


The identifier of the window in which the image is to be positioned. To print it in the current report, specify NULL instead of a window_id.

xpos, ypos

The x and y co-ordinates of the position where the upper-left corner of the image is to appear.


The width and height in device units of the area the image is to occupy. The image is stretched or compressed as necessary to fit the measurements specified by width and height.


The path of the image file, which must have a .bmp, .tif, .tiff, .jpg or .jpeg extension. The extension must be included in the pathname.

The ImageSize() function can be used to return the image’s default width and height.


This example illustrates the use of the DrawImage() and ImageSize() functions in a report.

!temp Height,,r8
!temp Width,,r8
!temp Ratio,,r8
!temp Image,,a255

     sys.Unit = UNIT_INS
     Image = "C:/graphics/Logo.bmp"
     ImageSize(NULL, Image, Width, Height)
     Ratio = Width / Height
     if (Width > 8) {
          Ratio = Width / Height
          Width = 8
          Height = Width / Ratio

     DrawImage(NULL, (8.0 - Width) / 2, 0, Width, Height, Image)


Drawing operations

Draw functions