TAPI (Telephony application programming interface)ΒΆ

TAPI (Telephony application programming interface)

Sculptor 5 includes routines that support TAPI (Telephony application programming interface) versions 1.3 through 2.2. These give access from within a Sculptor program to telephony devices, enabling the programmer to place a telephone call. Under certain circumstances further features are available: incoming calls can be monitored, as well as calls made by other TAPI-compliant applications. It is recommended that programmers wishing to use these features familiarise themselves with TAPI before utilising the Sculptor interface.

The routines have been implemented by mapping the most basic TAPI functions to Sculptor. These include all the functions in the Assisted telephony services and certain functions in the Basic telephony services. Sculptor acts as a bridge in the calling of these functions.

An additional function, tapiGetValue, has been added for use in situations where the calling function may return more than one parameter from TAPI.

A set of !define values, for use when working with TAPI, is supplied in the include file $SCULPTOR\include\tapi.h.

The program $SCULPTOR\demo\tapi\tapi.f is a demonstration of the TAPI Sculptor interface.