Maximum number of decimal places to store in intermediate arithmetic (sys.MaxIDP)ΒΆ


Maximum decimal places to store in intermediate arithmetic

Sets the maximum number of decimal places which are to be stored in an intermediate result when arithmetic is being performed with fields which have implied decimal places - types n4.d and n8.d.

The default value for sys.MaxIDP is 4. If this is increased, a more accurate intermediate result can be kept when performing arithmetic involving these fields, even though no more than four decimal places can actually be stored in the field when the calculations are complete.

The maximum number of significant digits that can be held in an intermediate result is 15. This includes digits on both sides of the decimal point. Care must be taken not to set sys.MaxIDP too high, as this will cause intermediate results to overflow.

The system variable sys.Rounding determines whether the value is truncated or rounded at the number of decimal places indicated by sys.MaxIDP.


sys.MaxIDP = 5



Number (n) type fields