Storing a substring within a string (setstr())ΒΆ


Store a substring within a string


setstr(field_id, position, length, source)

This function takes length characters from the text string source, and places them into the text string field_id, starting at the position in field_id indicated by position. The relevant characters of field_id are over-written. If field_id is not long enough, the excess characters of source are discarded. The first character of field_id counts as position number 1.

The function returns the new value of field_id.

The valid types for the arguments are as follows:


Must be an alphanumeric or binary field. If it is not, then no copying takes place and a null string is returned.


Numeric constant or expression.


Numeric constant or expression.


Alphanumeric or binary field, or a string constant.

This function returns 0 if Ok and 1 otherwise (wrong field_id or position received)


  • The first character of field_id is position 1. Setting position to zero has the same effect as setting it to 1. If it is less than zero, or greater than the field length, field_id is returned unchanged.


!temp Source,,a20
!temp Dest,,a10

+textbox DestBox at 35,10 {
    field = tmp.Dest
    title = "OUTPUT FROM SETSTR"

    tmp.Source = "TEN_CHARACTERS"
    tmp.Dest = "NO="
    display DestBox                 [NO=       ]
    tmp.Dest = setstr(tmp.Dest,4,3,tmp.Source)
    display DestBox                 [NO=TEN    ]