Subevent codes for the EV_CHANGE event

One of these values is sent as the fifth argument to the event function when EV_CHANGE is generated for a window, providing further detail about the event.


The control for which EV_CHANGE was generated is not a window.


The window has been resized and “Show window contents while dragging” is checked in the user’s display effects. This is an interim event. It provides the option to show new content in the window even though the user is still resizing the window. This event is not sent if “Show window contents while dragging” is unchecked. If the programmer needs to scroll a window that is being resized, this must be done in the EV_CHANGE_SIZING event and/or the EV_CHANGE_END_SIZE event. The window must not be scrolled during its EV_CHANGE_NEW_SIZE event.


The window has been resized. This is an interim event that is sent whether or not “Show window contents while dragging” is checked. The user is still dragging the window border.


The window has been resized and the user has released the left mouse button. This event is sent whether or not “Show window contents while dragging” is checked.

See Window events and functions.


The include file sculptor.h