Audit service transaction

The audit transaction can be used to associate all the keyed file operations relevant to one bussiness action. If a simple insertion or modification in the business logic means many insertions or modifications in several keyed files, all this audit information can be related by a single transaction.

A new audit transaction must be defined prior any keyed file operation that must be attributed to the transaction. Optionally the transaction may contain custom values (CustomValue[1-4]) that provide some useful information to the application developer (Like business user, role, programs,… that created the transaction)

Asside these custom values Sculptor automatically adds some known information at the transaction creation like, date, type of transaction (standalone program, kfserver client or switch), ip address, clientName, userName (if logged with a user in the server) and program. See the fields of the transactions keyed file.

When the programs are not prepared specially for the audit service, the audit service has no idea of when a “business” transaction begins. In this case a transaction is created automatically for each client program execution, and all the audit information generated by the same client execution belongs to that same transaction.

An application may use the audit_transaction() function to define the start of a transaction, making it possible to adapt the application “bussines” units to the audit transactions.


Audit service introduction

Audit configuration

Audit functions

Audit access

Audit keyed files