The UNIX server program kfserverΒΆ


kfserver [-dhlnqsv] [-c P] [-k mins] [-m N] [-o secs] [-p LCS] [-t mins]

Command line options

-c P 2

Start kfserver with the specified process priority class. The priority P must be a value between 1 and 5.


Write to the log file $SCULPTOR/log/kfserver.log every time a client connects or disconnects. The file will grow very large if kfserver is run for a long time with this option.


This option displays the command line usage options and then exits.

-k mins

This option is accepted for backward compatibility, but is (and always was) ignored.


This option is accepted for backward compatibility, but is ignored, since version 6.1.0. It was previously used to makes file and record locking details available to the remote monitor program. This mode can be changed while kfserver is not running by means of the Server Control window in the server management program.

-m N 3

Start kfserver with the specified N retries when a mirror operations fails. By default the server does not retry any mirror operation (N=0)


Creates a new, empty log file rather than appending to the existing one.

-o secs 3

Sets the ODBC retry timeout, that forces a retry on a failed ODBC connection until the specified timeout (seconds) have passed. The default value is 0 meaning no retry operation is initiated.

-p LCS 2

Start kfserver threads with the specified thread priority. Where L is listen thread priority, C are all the client threads priority and S is the thread priority when executing an sql command. The priority values must be a value between 1 and 5.

-q 1

Turn off sql secure mode. The Sculptor security database is ignored for all sql executed though the SQL engine.


Turn off secure mode. The Sculptor security database is ignored except for sql, see -q option.

-t mins

This option is accepted for backward compatibility, but is ignored. It was previously used to set the inactive timeout period. This is now done in the server management program kfsmonc (Server Options window).


Displays the kfserver version number and a copyright message, and then exits.


Since Sculptor version 6.0.1


Since Sculptor version 6.0.3


Since Sculptor version 6.1.0

For a fuller explanation of some of these options see Sculptor Server Control -> Interactive Server Options

The master invocation of kfserver spawns a new child process for each client that connects.

kfserver can be started by using the shell script startkfs and stopped by the C program stopkfs. It can also be started and stopped by the server monitor program kfsmonc.



Server management programs

Log file

Windows kfserver program