Graphic image

image = “text

For use with GT_IMAGE and GT_ANIMATE only, this clause defines the name of the graphic image or animation to be used. The “text” is the pathname of the file containing the image or animation. The pathname may contain environment variables. Note that the backslash character “\” is an escape character and cannot be used with its usual meaning in a pathname. Use the forward slash character “/” instead.

The image file may be on a remote server. In this case, Sculptor copies the file to the $SCULPTOR/temp directory on the client, and runs it from there. The next time the file is accessed, it is copied only if its timestamp indicates that it has been updated on the server.


The file must be a bitmap, TIFF or jpeg image file (.bmp, .tif, .tiff, .jpg or .jpeg extension). The correct file extension must be specified. The image’s own size is used, unless height and/or width are specified, in which case the image is scaled to the dimensions provided. Scaling an image may have the effect of distorting it.


The file must be an animation (.avi extension). The width and height of the graphic are determined by the file itself. Note that the .avi file may not contain sound, or the file will not display. See Animated graphics.


image = "/images/arrow4.jpg"
image = "$SCGRAPHICS/logo.bmp"
image = "$SCULPTOR/avi/anim.avi"

