Button types

All buttons must be of one of three types: push, checkbox or radio. Checkbox and radio buttons form button groups, and are also known as multi buttons. They have a toggle-type action; pressing them switches from a selected to an unselected state or vice versa. Multi buttons may be linked to a field, which stores, and may be used to alter, the button’s state.

Push buttons, also known as ordinary buttons, have a push-type action; when pressed they are selected momentarily and then return to the unselected state. A push button remains selected while the left mouse key is held down.

Push button

An ordinary button with push-type action. Push buttons may be assigned to a button group, or left ungrouped. They can be used as table column headings. See Push button groups.

Image button

A push button that has an image assigned. Images may not be assigned to other button types. See Button image.

Checkbox group

A group of buttons with toggle-type action, any of which may be checked or unchecked at any moment.

Radio group

A group of buttons with toggle-type action, one and only one of which is checked at any given time.

Multi button

A button in a checkbox or radio group with toggle-type action. Multi buttons always form part of a group.



Button groups