Storing free textbox field value when input interrupted by function key (sys.FreeTextInputBuf)ΒΆ


Value of field before function key pressed

Version >= 5.9.8 & Version >= 6.0.5

The on local and on global commands are used to configure a function key to call a subroutine or function when pressed while the program is awaiting input from a dialog or input command. If the contents of the free textbox with focus have been changed, the new value is not stored in the linked field before the subroutine or function is called. The data in the textbox at the moment the function key is pressed is stored in sys.FreeTextInputBuf. It may not be updated. Free format textboxes cannot update sys.InputBuf because this is limited to 255 characters

If the event EV_CHANGE is enabled for a free textbox, sys.FreeTextInputBuf is updated before the event function is called.

The size of the sys.FreeTextInputBuf field is automatically updated to be the free textbox buffer size.



Textbox events and functions

