Displaying text in the information window


Display text in the information window


info text_expression [, text_expression]…

Opens a window and displays the text specified as a message to the operator. Awaits user confirmation before closing the window and proceeding with execution of the next command.


The text_expression may be a string constant, an alphanumeric field, or a concatenation of several such items using the operators / and +. If the value of a numeric field is required in a message, it must first be assigned to an alphanumeric field, or the tostr() function used.

To display more than one line of text, separate the text_expressions by commas. Each will appear on a separate line. Use the backslash character to create continuation lines if necessary:

info "Info text line 1", \
     "Info text line 2", \
     "Info text line 3"

Note that with multiple lines, the info command does not work correctly if the first line is an alpha variable, rather than a quoted string. Fixing this bug would have produced code that was not backwardly compatible, so the recommended method of working around it is to use the tostr() function, e.g.:

info tostr(tmp.LineOne), tmp.LineTwo


  • The error command displays error messages.

  • The caption command is used to display a message without opening a window.


info longname(Box3) / " selected"

info "All files have been updated",\
     "Number of records in main file is " + tostr(Nrecs), \
     "Number of records deleted was " + tostr(Ndelrecs)



