Constants in expressions

Numeric, alphanumeric and character constants may be freely used in expressions.

An alphanumeric constant, or text string, is any item which appears in double quotes.

A character constant is a single character in single quotes. This generates an integer constant whose value is the ASCII code of the character specified. For example: ‘a’ generates the ASCII code of the letter a: 97.

A numeric constant may be any of three types.


A sequence of digits, optionally preceded by a unary + or -.
Examples: -435, 7364

Fixed point

A sequence of digits, optionally preceded by a unary + or -. It may contain a decimal point, the entire construction introduced by the # character. The maximum number of decimal places is 4. The value is stored internally as an integer with implied decimal places.
Examples: #1.15, #-0.1234

Floating point

A sequence of digits which contains a decimal point, optionally preceded by a unary + or -, or a constant expressed in exponential format.
Examples: 178.625, 123.4e7, 78.9E-3